Lama Fera healing is an ancient energy healing modality that has been practiced over the centuries for energy healing by the Buddhists and emanated from Lord Buddha. Using this technique, he redeemed the people from their sorrows and diseases. It is now used for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing.

Lama-Fera is the union of two words. Both the words have their own identity and importance.The word Lama means ‘Disciple of lord Buddha’ and the word Fera means round or more specifically ‘Around the body with the energy of lord Buddha.; two and half times of circumvention’.

The Energy of lord Buddha is channeled through the Healer and directed towards the disease or illness. Lama Fera can help in increasing spiritual abilities, relieve pain and discomfort caused by chronic disease, removes unwanted spirits, overcome fear, anxiety, stress and help you connect with higher self.

This modality is a super powerful healing technique that works almost instantly. It is considered as the fastest healing technique for most physic problems. It removes pressure of thoughts and increases the vital energy of the bodies. Aura and Chakras can be cleared immediately as well as Planetary Dosha’s that cannot otherwise with other modalities.

Lama Fera uses symbols as in Reiki. Though it’s method of treatment or healing is quite different from what is practiced in Reiki and other healing therapies, its symbols have immense powers to treat highest level of negative energies, instantly!

Lama Fera – Benefits

  •    A practitioner can sense the vibrations and feel change in his energy levels
  •    Helps clear negative energy or problems in business, property, health etc.
  •    Promotes chemical processing of body, muscles, bones, digestive disorders and give strength and radiant energy.
  •    Balancing of physical and spiritual problems
  •    Direct healing and effect on the root cause of diseases
  •    Attainment and development of awareness, enlightenment and knowledge
  •    Makes individuals active, alert and self-confident
  •    Provides freedom from all kind of Stress and Depression
  •    Gives freedom from Anxiety and Fear, helps toward off evil spirits and negative energy
  •    The practice can be used to increase memory and inspire higher levels of concentration through meditation
  •    It’s the best treatment for enhancing your will power and considered as the best healing treatment for last stage patients of all disease
  •    Helps with VASTU HEALING and works wonder by neutralizing unbalanced energies caused due to Vastu defects

Lama Fera symbols have amplitude power to tackle highest levels of negative energy. The method of its healing is quite different from Reiki and other types of healing therapies used in modern world.

It helps to neutralize negative energies and unwanted issues and also helps gain awareness, knowledge and enlightenment i.e. through the power of lord Buddha.

Scanning Energies

The whole universe comprises of various energies. All living and non-living objects have some or the other forms of energy. We humans are no exception. Our body is comprised of various energies both negative and positive which creates an ‘aura’ around us reflecting these energies.

An energy scanner device is used to measure these energies and to identify harmful ones out of these. This device senses the aura of a person or object. Each living or non-living being on the planet is made up of matter, of which an atom is the smallest part as we already know. The universe comprises of various energies emanated from and affected by the atom. The scanner effectively senses these levels of energy through samples provided to it and returns resulting analysis.

What Else Can be Scanned or Measured

1. Aura: Each person has an aura. If a person is unhealthy or is wearing some negative jewelry / gems, his aura gets affected. Sometimes an aura is affected if a person is sleeping in a geopathic stress zone.

2. Color: Our body and environment is made up of a balance of all seven colors. When an imbalance is observed, it indicates a disease or some problem in the location. This scanner can detect what amount of color is needed in the house or the body. This is what is called the colour therapy, which when taken alongside medicines, heals faster.

3. Vaastu dosha / Feng Shui: Most Vaastu consultants are work on the structural principles only. This is why even after living in perfect vaastu compatible buildings, one keeps on experiencing problems in the life. There could be negative energy points in the vicinity that cannot be detected without this scanner. There are energies within clothes, utensils and other articles which feed on the aura of the house and the humans living in it, bringing ill luck.

4. Geopathic Stress: Geopathic stress is the term given to continually emitted gases and energies by the Earth. These cannot be seen with a naked eye. Too much of such negative energies do not let an individual grow in personal and professional lives. There have been cases where individuals suffered from Cancer and TB at a very young age. They were living in stress zones.

5. Position of Chakras: If all the chakras are not functioning properly, there could be a problem in the energy levels. There are blocks which hinder the flow of energy which gets disease or problem in the temperament. With the help of the Energy Scanner, we can find out the exact position of the Chakras.

6. Negativity in a body: Most diseases and stress are caused mainly by negative energies of the body. Using this scanner one may find out the negativity of the body and identify if any ill effects are there because of the negative energies.

7. Find negativity in gemstones & jewelry: Even stone have energies which are why astrologers suggest these stones. However, sometimes the energies may clash showing opposite results. The scanner can check whether a particular stone is compatible or not. Sometimes even the jewelry one is wearing emanates negative energy. It causes irritation to the mind without realizing. The scanner can be helpful here too.

8. Identify gems that suit a person: It is possible that you have been suggested multiple gems by the astrologer. However, they all may not be compatible with each other or to find out which one would suit you, the services of the scanner may be utilized.

9. Person Compatibility: The Aura Scanner can detect the compatibility ratio between two persons which is necessary in business associations, marriages etc.

10. Object to Person: The Aura Scanner detects compatibility of particular object to a particular person for example is a vehicle, machinery, gadget compatible to its owner.

11. Medicine Compatibility: Sometimes medicines just don’t help, no matter whether it is allopathic, homeopathic or Ayurvedic. You have to go through the hit and trial to see which one suits. This is because certain medicines may not be compatible with your body. With the scanner, you could find out which medicines will work better for you.

12. Detection of Disease: The scanner can detect disease before it actually strikes a body. After a complete analysis, one can know what precautions one should take.

13. Food Mismatch with body: As per medical professionals, each body is unique. So are its requirements. Some foods are not suited to some bodies while others bring sickness. The scanner can help to find out which food grain item is suited for eating or for donation.

14. Search & Investigation: The Aura scanner is quite helpful to conduct search of a missing person or object (provided a photograph of a missing or lost object or person is available for search.) The Aura Scanner is extremely useful to a forensic laboratory; investigating agencies for various crime detections.

(Ajjayy Agarwaal – Certified Master Teacher Lama Fera Healer)

The Masters